Citycentrum, urban vibe close to home

Whether you like to shop, run a quick errand or enjoy lunch, dinner, a theatre show or a visit to the cinema. In the Citycentrum you can do it all. As entrepreneurs together we make sure that you can spend your spare time in an attractive, clean, safe and cosy centre where there is regularly something to do. Home and still away! The market on Monday, events like the Oranjemarkt, CityFest, fashion shows, performances and visits of famous TV figures, you’ll find it all in ‘the City’. Local entrepreneurs work together with larger chains. They know their customers and the customers meet each other. That’s urban vibe with a village character! Every last Sunday of the month the shops are open from noon till 05:00 PM. Combined with fun activities for families. During Sunday shopping you always park for free , on all other days you can park your car for free for 2 hours by using the blue parking disc.

The centre is easily accessible by public transport and there is plenty of parking space.

Opening hours

Monday – 11.00 – 18.00 Tuesday – 09.30 – 18.00 Wednesday – 09.30 – 18.00 Thursday – 09.30 – 18.00 Friday – 09.30 – 20.00 (shopping night) Saturday – 09.30 – 17.00 Sunday – closed Shopping Sunday Every last Sunday of the month.

Koopzondag met bezoek van Phoxy

Published on Monday, February 17

Op zondag 23 februari is het koopzondag in het Citycentrum en we krijgen bezoek van Phoxy, de enige echte mascotte van PSV!Natuurlijk mag iedereen met hem op de foto.  Tijden en locaties: 13.00 uur Blokkerplein 13.40 uur Bruna plein 14.20 uur Jumbo ...

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More than 110 shops in our shopping centre!

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